Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Cinema campaign

My posts are like buses, you wait ages for one and then two come along at once! :)

Anyway, our latest campaign with Trailblazers is campaigning for better access to cinemas. We've been doing research for a couple of months now, and are currently working on a documentary about it, which will (fingers crossed) be shown at cinemas before a film.

As part of this, we are also making a petition to present to the cinema manager big-wigs about access to cinemas in the hope they will make some changes in order to better accommodate people with disabilities, particularly those in wheelchairs,

I'd really appreciate if you could sign our petition here; every single signature counts and hopefully we can make some progress in ensuring our trips to the cinema are as enjoyable and pain-free as possible!

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog. I love receiving comments, it's nice to know I'm not just talking to myself :)! So let me know you're out there: say hello, share similar experiences or let me know if you've any hints or tips!

x x x

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